News 2002

Foundation of the investment and advisory company Festel Capital in the Swiss cantone Zug (October 2002)

Festel Capital is an advisory & investment firm providing expertise and resources to successfully develop and commercialise new technology based businesses in areas such as energy, environment, health, materials and nutrition.


Gunter Festel was elected as chairman of the GDCh-Association for Chemistry & Economics (April 2002)

Gunter Festel became chairman of the GDCh-Association for Chemistry & Economics which he co-founded.


Gunter Festel joined the management team of Arthur D. Little Switzerland (April 2002)

Gunter Festel became a management team member and head of the chemicals and healthcare group in Switzerland as well as global co-head of Arthur D. Little Switzerland.


Gunter Festel initiated and became editor of the Journal Chemie & Wirtschaft (January 2002)

Gunter Festel initiated and became editor of the Journal Chemie & Wirtschaft which had the mission to publish articles about business and economic aspects of the chemical and pharmaceutical industry.



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